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Respect The Process is a filmmaking podcast focused on directing commercials.

Jun 24, 2016

I loved his feature film "Bubble Boy", so when I met Director Blair Hayes I was a bit star struck. Plus, his reputation as a commercial helmer is legendary. So happy we got to finally sit down and chat about his work. Admittedly, I'm in awe of Director/Camerapeople. 

Blair's new film "Great Plains" is making the...

Jun 16, 2016

I've only worked a half day with actor Clayton Farris, but I've been a fan since he walked in the casting room. He's the utmost professional and plays the reality of a situation, and is not afraid to immerse himself into a sometimes geeky character. He's also a nice guy. Clayton always working and you must check out his...

Jun 13, 2016

I'll post more filmmaking conversations later in the week, but today my heart is broken yet again. The hate we face must stop and assault weapons are just too easy to get. Let's love one another, practice tolerance, and change our laws to make these automatic rifles hard to get, as well as the ammo used to...