Dec 30, 2014
Mr. Larry Jordan is the one person that has always been there for me, to answer every production question. His 35 years plus of experience are readily found whenever you google a question about directing, editing, shooting, lighting, audio, and his courses cover the gamut of production, post and theory. Please check them out if you're serious about upping your game.
His podcast "2 Reel Guys" is highly recommended, and his classes on Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro CC are phenomenal. Click Larry Jordan for more info on that.
We discuss editing comedy vs. horror, film school vs. the real world, and the need for self-discipline, among other things. Larry's definition of "respecting the process" is a bit unique, and I promise you'll gain much from this talk. Big thanks Larry for joining me.
I've also listed my Top Ten Downloaded Episodes of 2014. You can find them in the Archives on this site, or easily here, on the Sideshow Network. Big thanks to all my guests. Look forward to more great chats in 2015.