Jul 27, 2017
Cinematographer David Claessen is a dear friend and collaborator. We finally got to talk about his storied journey in cinematography. From his features films, to music videos, to the many high end spots he's done, we cover into it all.
Despite starting and loving film, David has embraced the digital world, applying his...
Jul 23, 2017
I've been dying to talk with cinematographer Rich Schaefer for months ever since RTP guests Director Jeff Gordon and Director Kip Hewitt raved about him and his work. We dive deep into lenses, f stops and all the tech talk you can stomach... and we also cover the fantastic ways Rich preps and collaborates with the...
Jul 14, 2017
A good filmmaker friend, who like me is always shooting and always pitching for the next gig, asked me how I avoid burning out. My answer is simple.. shoot and edit more. But what if you are getting burnt from trying, hitting a wall because you are not shooting or pitching enough? Don't give up... do this. Listen.
Jul 7, 2017
Cinematographer Nathan Wilson primarily shoots feature films, but still does plenty of spots and promos. So we compare and contrast the workings of them all. Nathan shares his philosophy "fix it in prep", a mantra we should all embrace. You'll enjoy his tips on how the DP and the Director can eliminate many...